Jessica’s husband of 18 years and her children have also learned many things from this experience. They are hoping for the right solution to heal her, and are continually adjusting to find ways to better support her. She now realizes all that she took for granted in being pain free and is optimistically searching for a solution with the help of Dr. Dan Henry.
All of this finally led me to the most caring and compassionate person on my long road to treatment: Dr. Henry. He literally saved me from having a migraine every day. Now I have a mix of nerve blocks, magnesium drips, Botox and rescue meds and have a migraine 1-2 times a week. It is a daily struggle. When I think, “Maybe today is a good day and I won’t have migraines anymore,” one comes along and wipes me out. It’s hard to explain the pain you feel to coworkers, friends, loved ones, your spouse. It’s not “just a headache,” “no, I’m not flaking out on you,” “it’s not you, it’s me.” You feel unreliable, tired, waiting for the next shoe to drop. I’m hopeful though. I see that more and more treatments have become available in the past 5 years, than in the previous 20. Thank you to Dr. Henry for fighting so hard for his migraine patients!
My guilt eats at me as I have to explain to my 6 year old why I’m napping or telling my husband I can’t go in a hike. Dr. Henry has given me hope that I can get through this disease with medical help. I’m comforted he is there and understands.
Thanks to Dr. Dan Henry’s expert care and compassion we were finally able to have another miracle baby join our family following a six year wait.
Dr. Henry has helped me through my darkest and most hopeless times. He treated me week after week with a passion and concern I have not otherwise experienced. He has restored me to a level of functioning I have not had for years.
I feel like I have missed out on so many fun times with family and friends because I am not feeling well. When my little 3 year old proudly came upstairs and handed me his first ice pack he made for mom all by himself – I wanted to cry. It puts into perspective how this affects my family.
I am thankful for all of the treatments currently available, but I wish there was more understanding from the public. When I would rather have shots into the base of my skull and around my head than feel the pain, that should be a great example of how bad a migraine feels. I am so thankful to Dr. Henry and the staff at Foothill Family Clinic for taking care of me and my family (many of whom also have migraines). Let’s spread some awareness and promote understanding about migraines and what we go through on a daily basis!
Even those I love start doubting me, wondering how I can really be in this much pain with a headache. So, I doubt myself, I feel like a burden, I feel like I am too much for everyone else, it gets exhausting and I am already exhausted from the pain! It’s a vicious cycle, one that I hope to end. Thank you Dr. Dan Henry for giving me hope, and more pain free days, so I can live a more normal life.
Migraines have taken away my ability to be in noisy situations. Migraines have taken away my willingness to travel by plane, because the altitude and tight space makes my head feel like it’s near exploding. Migraines have decreased my school performance as well as attendance, and now work performance. It has decreased my motivation and made me want to do nothing but sleep. Migraines have limited my ability to be social, physically active, and do things I want to do. Migraines have given me mood swings that make people like me less, and instead have to learn to tolerate me. Migraines have decreased my self-esteem and self-worth, as well as increased my depression immensely. But I will never stop looking for a solution because I know I’m not the only one. And migraines are more than serious; they’re a disabling disease. They took away my ability to be a normal teenage girl even though I look it on the outside.
So many people do not understand how debilitating migraines can be. Dr. Henry helps me get closer to becoming the mom, wife, and friend that I want to be. I will be forever grateful to him and his efforts to help those in need.
Donna was finally diagnosed during her junior year of college. Fighting nausea along with the pain was a lifelong challenge, and finding sustainable pain relief was a futile search. Ultimately Imitrex provided some relief, but it became available only a few years prior to her contracting breast cancer, too late in her life to significantly alter her course. She spent much of her adult life in pain and depressed. Her ability to function was always a factor in planning family activities. Many were cancelled, or, more likely, determined to be unsafe to plan. Perhaps her greatest disappointment was that her migraines kept her from establishing a speech pathology clinical practice, the work she overcame so much to qualify for. Her migraine-related depression accelerated after the children left for college. Migraines were a big factor in her delaying treatment for her breast cancer, which ultimately claimed her life.
I tried alternative therapies – massage, chiropractors, PT, TENS, elimination diets, meditation, yoga, but the headache frequency and intensity continued to increase. I stopped planning social events and travel. I cut back at work thinking work stress must be related to the migraines; however that month, I had migraines 28 of the 31 days. It was then that I finally realized I was just like my siblings – a chronic migraine sufferer, and I needed a migraine preventive, too. After some trial and error, we found a preventive and rescue regimen that works most of the time. I recently had 8 days in a row without headaches (AMAZING!) and then the following week had 5 days of headaches.
Though I strongly dislike having to take any medications, I realize that my new shelf full of headache medications is just the way it has to be for now. I am so grateful for the headache free times, and I work hard not to panic or become angry with myself when I realize a headache is starting. Though not at my “preheadache” level, the fun me is making a comeback!
I am so grateful for the compassion of Dr. Henry and his devotion to curing this disease. He gives me hope that one day I might be able to live a normal life. That the pain will someday stop, and I can finally feel relief!
As I raised my kids there were many times when I had to call neighbors or friends to care for my children as lay in bed with a migraine. Now after turning 50, I suffer from chronic daily headaches as well as migraines. But I am a successful 3rd Grade teacher and despite daily headache pain, I rarely miss a day of school because of the advances in medications for migraines and because of Dr. Henry’s care.
My life and the lives of my three children, who also suffer from migraines, are not always easy. Migraines affect how we live, what we eat, and what activities we do. But we have great hope that our quality of life will continue to improve with more public awareness and greater medical advances.
I have missed more family events, social gatherings, and given up more work days due to migraines than I can count. I have spent endless days in a dark room pushing on the pain in my head praying it would vanish to no avail.
It took me YEARS to find a doctor who finally took the time to help! He understood my migraines and understood migraines are a serious, serious disease. It is only because of Dr. Henry, I continue to improve and continue to survive one more day with migraines.
Migraines and the plague they are need much, much more awareness and attention. We cannot continue the way we are without the continuing support of those health care professionals like Dr. Henry. We cannot survive without them, literally!
When I started getting headaches 10 years ago we thought I had a brain tumor or some horrible cancer, I couldn’t believe the pain could be so bad. I went to multiple doctors. I have had allergy shots, sinus surgery, tubes put in my ears, tubes taken out of my ears, acupuncture, chiropractors, hormone treatments, multiple drugs with multiple side effects, multiple injections in multiple places, including 32 shots in my head, all to no avail. I still have migraines. I can’t go skiing or biking or hiking or camping because if my heart rate increases, I get a migraine. I still work some days as a children’s therapist, but I can’t be depended on. I never know when it will hit. I spend most of my time lying down with ice on my head. I just want my life back.
I’m lucky to be self employed, else I may very well be unemployable. That doesn’t always mean I can go lay down and relax when one comes on. Often, I have to suffer through them, and when they come on multiple days at a time, depression starts to sink in. It’s really hard living and working through pain. They affect my personality, my relationships, my livelihood and my hope. I know I’m still “me” when they’re less frequent, but when I’m in fog of 10-15 plus migraines per month, I feel like I go away for a while and lose myself in the misery of feeling awful. When people say they get migraines, my heart aches for them. I am desperate for a cure so I can be the happy, successful, driven person that I am when I feel okay.
However, there are more things to be thankful for in my life than I can count: my family, students, and Dr. Henry. My family has made great sacrifices to help me survive this disease; their prayers and encouragement have been key to keeping me here on this Earth. I am able to work again and my job gives me a sense of purpose and great satisfaction. My students give me hope that future generations will have more compassion and awareness of migraine disease. In this photo, I am with a small group of my kindergarten through third graders, all of whom have at least one parent who experiences migraine disease. My students question why I often wear a hat and two pairs of sunglasses, my FL-47s and regular wraparound sunglasses, indoors. They wonder what color my eyes are. They exclaim how beautiful I look on the rare occasion that I might take my glasses off. Please do not take for granted your ability to make good eye contact with others.
Eventually, I found Dr. Henry and have since been able to manage my migraines. I was able to graduate from Utah Valley University last month and am currently applying for graduate school. I got married two years ago and enjoy many of the hobbies and activities I once had to miss out on. I still suffer from migraines but have learned how to take care of myself. I now know that I can live a full, happy, and migraine managed life.
I have learned to avoid some activities. But I also decide that quite a few others are worth it. I love to play sports with my grandsons, and wrestle with them on the floor. I love to fish, hunt, camp, drive our ski boat for my family. All of these things are worth it to me because they make me happy. My family doesn’t understand my headaches, but they know they are real, and are understanding if I don’t participate.
I am one of the lucky ones among those afflicted with headache disease. Dr. Henry has taught me so much about my headache, and has helped me manage them and handle the pain. He has given me tools with which I live a happy, productive life. I do have some days without headache, at least at a low enough pain level that for me it is a good day. I’ll sometimes string together 2 to 4 or even 5 days like that when I don’t need to take medication. If you didn’t know me well, you would probably not even know that I deal with this health issue. I know there are many who suffer much more than I do with headaches. All things considered, I have to say, like the stick-figure logo on T-shirts and hats states, that “Life Is Good”.
Through this whole ordeal I was lucky I found Dr. Henry! He was the one who said I would get through it and never stopped believing in me. He has been patient, kind and understanding in helping me find ways to treat my migraines. He was right, and although it has been overwhelmingly hard, I got through it! I am currently on Botox and now only get 1-2 migraines a month! It has been such an amazing change. I am now able to work as a nanny for four kids, and am in college full time. I never thought I’d be here 5 years ago. I finally have my life back.
1. It has been disabling. I have missed out on a bit of life. I haven’t been able to be the person that I believe I think I could be. I am tired of telling people I cannot attend “because I have a migraine.” I miss work. I cannot hold down a job. I am depressed.
2. I am compassionate. I live life to the fullest when I can. I am a good listener. I am patient. I have a soft heart and charity for those who live with chronic pain. I don’t think I would trade this trial, because it makes me who I am, a tender and benevolent person.
Becky also suffered from bipolar disorder, which was undiagnosed until she was a senior. Her mother’s death sent her into a 10-year tailspin during which time she couldn’t work, and suffered both from almost constant migraines and reactions to meds prescribed for the bipolar disorder. In 2012, Becky was offered an entry-level job at Western Governors U, and with the support of an understanding supervisor excelled through 2013. This came at a price as her use of NSAIDS, anti-nausea drugs, and prescribed narcotics had begun to affect her general health.
On August 10, 2014, Becky was admitted to the Diamond Headache Clinic in hopes that the specialists could come up with a management plan. During her stay, she suffered from at least a level 7 migraine every day. By August 20, her doctor determined that they had done what they could and that she could go home. The next day she developed a fever and died due to a very rare reaction to haldol, neuroleptic malignant syndrome. No matter what we did, the presence of the migraines threatened her capacity to function, her happiness, her goals, and her very life. In the end, the migraines took it all.
I have been to many doctors to help with my migraines for 10 + years. During my first visit to Dr. Henry, I was so impressed by the care I received. I hope this helps others – you are doing great things. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
During 9th grade, she began screaming, “Help me, help me!” The doctors had no explanation for her inability to eat, attend school, socialize, sleep or learn. The doctors recommended that she be placed in a medical coma long enough to give her body a rest. They were not confident that they could bring her back out of the coma and our family declined this advice.
One year ago, we met with Dr. Henry. Britten had a pain disorder, and he had many options to help her improve the quality of her life. Within 2 minutes of a nerve block, she said, “I have never felt this way. My head has always had stabbing pain like ice-picks going through my brain non-stop day and night.” When I asked why she didn’t describe her headaches to anyone, she said she thought everyone felt this way and they handled it fine. She thought she was weak.
I will be indebted to Dr. Henry forever. Britten is in physical therapy, exercising and practicing for the Ice-skating Olympics. She has hope for her future. She is planning to work. Dr. Henry and his remarkable staff gave Britten a quality of life that most of us take for granted.
I am so grateful for Dr. Henry and the help he has given to my children and myself. He is a great man and so kind to my children, they think he is pretty great.
I excelled my freshman year, and I was stage manager for the theater department. I was taking care of myself by taking my medications and sleeping 10 hours. Sophomore year I overcommitted myself and started getting sick again, missing the entire year of school. I cut as much stress out of my life as possible, and after a few struggles, I finally finished my sophomore year. I have learned a lot about my body, but the biggest thing I have learned is that being a migraineur is walking a tightrope that is constantly changing.
At 36, it was no longer a question if my head hurt, but a constant question of, “How bad is my head hurting right now?” I avoided daylight, extreme heat, direct sunlight, and noisy restaurants. My job required travel, which was difficult, and I became increasingly neurotic about my medications. By 47, it was rare that I did much more than work and go home. I had a headache for about 16 straight years. I was miserable and almost hopeless. Although my son was an adult, giving up completely was not an option.
Dr. Henry changed my life, which is an understatement. For the first time in 15 years, I came away knowing I was going to get the best treatment available. Nine months later, we found a combination of treatments that worked – it was nothing short of miraculous!
I am 50 and continue to do well, traveling, enjoying my weekends with family and friends and working. I am so grateful for the care and compassion of Dr. Henry.
Who gets excited about heart surgery?
It was not until recently when I went to Dr. Henry that I was informed that I have chronic migraines. Every day. I am a mom and a wife and have the most patient husband and children. My children are missing out because I don’t have the energy to play with them after I have worked all day plus fought a migraine all day. It breaks my heart every day that I am not able to be the person I want to be. Dr. Henry is the first doctor who wants to figure out what works for my migraines and get me the relief I have searched years for and in turn give my family the mother and wife they deserve.